Our Ministries
Join what God is doing!

The Open Table
The Open Table is a free community meal during the fall and spring. We eat at 6pm on Wednesday nights. The meal is followed by optional small groups for all ages! We offer a variety of food options for all diets.
Contact: luke@glenhavenchurch.com
Children’s Ministries
Children are a priority at GlenHaven. They are the frontlines of God's kingdom. We offer a variety of opportunities for ages 0-12 to learn and grow in gospel truth.
Sunday mornings we have a check-in for the safety of you and your children. All of our teachers and volunteers are devoted believers, background checked, and trained for every situation. The same system is in place for Wednesday night activities.
Sunday School: 9:15am
The Open Table: 6:00pm-7:30pm
Adult Sunday School
We offer in depth, Biblical classes on
Sundays at 9:15am.
Woman's Class: in the Forum Room
Co-Ed Class: in the Fellowship Hall
Nursery is provided for 0-5.
Children's Sunday school is offered for ages 6-12. If the parent desires - children are allowed to stay in the adult class. We believe in family learning!

Men's Group
Men from the community meet on Thursday nights from 6:30-8 pm on a bi-weekly basis to discuss Christian leadership and discipleship. Contact Pastor Luke for details! There is always room for one more!
Art In The Park
Join us at Penguin Park (located directly next door of the church) for various arts and crafts activities! This is a family-friendly event designed for grades 1-5.
We meet Wednesdays in June and July from 6:30-8 pm.
Glenhaven Academy
Glenhaven Academy is always open to volunteers who wish to have a hands-on role in the education and spiritual development of our community's children. Whatever your availability, be it once a month, once a week, or every other day, we are glad to serve alongside you! Contact Mr. Bratcher Aaron@Glenhavenchurch.com
Let us know you're coming!